Maxbo Proff and Løvenskiold Handel are fully committed to limit the spreading of the coronavirus (Covid-19).

Maxbo Proff and Løvenskiold Handel have, in accordance with the guidelines from the government, implemented precautions and introduced new guidelines. Our main focus is to reduce the risk for our customers, our suppliers and our employees. We are monitoring the situation closely.  
All of our warehouses, pro centres and delivery departments are up and running. The digital self-help service “Min bedrift” and the online store are open day and night. We recommend you use these channels for ordering products. 

This way you can browse safely on your own device, await your SMS notification and/or email notification to avoid unnecessary travel and reduce contact with others.

Maxbo Proff customer service and local sales support teams are also ready to handle orders and to answer questions.
You can reach the Maxbo Proff customer service at or you can call us at phone number 06292. 

We have taken several measures against the virus at our warehouses and pro departments:

  • Our employees are committed to strict guidelines for hand hygiene and they are wearing gloves.
  • We have introduced strict guidelines for washing all touch points at our warehouse, and at our service office and our delivery departments.
  • We are respecting the national guidelines for safe distance to persons. 
  • Customer meetings are held by phone or video conference as far as possible.
  • We are not visiting construction sites unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • Our delivery department is following restrictions for loading and unloading products from external transporters at our delivery departments. 

We are following the guidelines from Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI). And everyone is advised to adhere to the updated guidelines here:   

Product supply 

Løvenskiold Handel is experiencing good product supply, and our delivery and logistic departments are fully functioning. But the situation is changing fast and we are constantly working to keep the product supply as more or less normal. 

  • We cooperate with our suppliers to map the product flow, and we are evaluating the situation closely to track goods that are affected, in order to implement measures to secure the product flow.
  • If product flow is reduced and not sufficient, we will assist with finding alternative products and/or suppliers. Løvenskiold Handel has several suppliers in order to cover critical product categories.
  • We are monitoring the situation closely. We will store more products when necessary in order to keep the normal flow of products so you can work on your projects more or less as normal.

We are truly sorry for the inconveniences this situation has caused for you and your business.   


Lokal produksjon

Maxbo Proff customer service and local sales support teams can accept orders and support you with different matters. 
Contact us by e-mail or call 06292.

You can also get in touch with our local sales support teams:

Oslo & Akershus:
Epost: eller ring 67162300 
Epost: eller ring 69 38 19 00
Epost: eller ring 22 50 99 00
Epost: eller ring 21 93 76 25 
Epost: eller ring 33 33 31 00

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